a5c7b9f00b Follows the adventures of the Cuylers, an impoverished and dysfunctional family of anthropomorphic, air-breathing, redneck squids who live in a rural Appalachian community in the state of Georgia. I've loved the Simpsons, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Ren & Stimpy, and Invader Zim, but Squidbillies is by far the hardest that I have laughed.<br/><br/>If you want proof, go to the AdultSwim website and watch the clip called "office politics trouble". Background: Early is a squid in the hills of Georgia. His family consists of his son Rusty, grandma, and his sister Lil. They're hillbillies and not terribly… bright, conscientious, or anything else for that matter, except drunk, perhaps.<br/><br/>It airs on Cartoon Network at midnight(ish), EST. I pray that they release more episodes, beyond the six that they have now - those six are massive comedic diamonds, though! Wow, verbusen from Kuwait needs to lighten up. With all due respect, it's an 11-minute Adult Swim cartoon. Squidbillies does not set out to make everybody in Georgia out to be backwoods hicks. It is not a social commentary, it's a comedic animated short about redneck squids. I personally think this show is hilarious, but you have to follow along with the commentary as it moves fast and the humor lies in the dialog. The very premise is absurd, but then again so are talking fast food items (Aqua Teen Hunger Force) or a superhero attorney (Harvey Birdman). These cartoons feature talented writers that offer up ridiculous plots and clever writing, meant to be laughed at and not scrutinized for their value to society.
sioglobilar Admin replied
326 weeks ago