Dangerous Visions is a science fiction short story anthology edited by American writer Harlan Ellison and illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon.It was published in 1967.
The series includes work by Harlan Ellison, . Dangerous Visions (SF Masterworks) . Greatest Sci-Fi Anthologies.
The Paperback of the Dangerous Visions by Harlan Ellison at . Harlan Ellison's 1967 collection of science fiction stories set an almost . SF Masterworks Series .. Dangerous Visions (S.F. MASTERWORKS) eBook: Harlan Ellison, Harlan Ellison: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store
Dangerous Visions, edited by Harlan Ellison. Published by Gollancz, February 2012part of the SF Masterworks series; Originally published in 1967.
Harlan Ellison doesn't think small . and there were and sometimes apparently are plans for The Last Dangerous Visions, but. well, Harlan . Science Fiction .. Dangerous Visions (SF Masterworks) [Harlan Ellison] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Anthologies seldom make history, but Dangerous Visions is a grand exception.. Dangerous Visions 1 Edited by Harlan Ellison Dangerous Visions 1 . under the leadership of John W. Campbell who edited Astounding Science Fiction Magazine.
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341 weeks ago